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Ahh the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, crisp paper notebooks, and...the sound of our kids…
Farmer Markets of Northeast Florida
Discover the Vibrant Farmer Markets of Northeast FloridaAre you relocating to Northeast Florida or just…
Navigating Relocation to Jacksonville Florida
Moving is stressful for anyone, but when you're a military family, it becomes an even…
Pros and Cons of New Construction Homes
Are you in the market for a new home but aren't sure whether to buy…
Kids Free November in Jacksonville: Fun for …
Image by Lance AsperDuring Kids Free November in Jacksonville, many of the city's top attractions…
The Best Photographers in Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville is a beautiful city with a lot to offer, and its photographers are no…
What to Check on Your Final Walk-Through
The final walk-through on your new home is an exciting event. It means you have…
Renovating Your Home? Check Our FAQ’s!
How do I pick a contractor?Ideally, you want to build the same kind of relationship…